Starred MU Online

Latest Server Updates

[New] Update (2) 10.12.2018 Kundun and Illusion of Kundun

[New] Update 10.12.2018 see HERE

[New] Update 07.12.2018 (Ferea, Nixies Lake) see HERE

[New] Update 01.12.2018 Titan's Anger (Invoking Demons)

Update 26.11.2018 see HERE

Update 21.11.2018 Chaos Cards

Update 20.11.2018 Evomon Evolves 

Update 19.11.2018 see HERE

Update 17.11.2018 see HERE

Boss Medusa and Elemental Capsule are Updated as well!

More updates coming soon, Feel free to report or suggest!

Posted 10 / 12 / 2018 By Admin

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